Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Ahh Wednesday
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Cutting the fat.
Are you ready? A woman who is close to her optimal BMI can burn one to one-half pound of fat a week, as long as she consumes enough protein and continues lifting challenging weights. (Don't feel like looking for the citation at the moment) So, here we go, I plan to lose 20 pounds of fat in 20 weeks. If it turns out I don't need to lose that much I will reassess at the time. Good thing I don't have a beauty contest coming up in the next month or so!
First, I had to figure out how much I was eating, so Sunday I wrote down everything and put it in the Fitday chart. It was a basic day, fairly healthy foods with a couple of treats thrown in. The treats were 3/4 a cup of ice cream- yes I eat it out of the measuring cup, and half of a large-ish chocolate chip cookie. 2600 calories! Yikes, and that was a no wine, no crazy filet mignon type of day. Okee-dokee. So for the next two weeks I'm dropping that down to 2000 or less (keep in mind I work-out a lot and am 5'7") and at least 100 grams or protein a day. This worked out ok yesterday.
Speaking of yesterday, this was supposed to be the start of my deload or no lifting week but after lounging around all weekend and the shock of my eating habits, towards 5pm I started getting antsy. I decided to take a Spin class, easy, cardio and Pam teaches it, she is always entertaining. However, like I said, it was just after 5 and her class doesn't start until 7:15 and I was already climbing the walls bored. There is a 6pm class but it is ridiculous (the instructor does a lot of hopping up and down on the bike, weird tricep/ pushup thingys- yes while riding the bike, and some bizarre butt off the seat- thrust into the handlebars then move the butt back again while hovering over the seat move I wish I could videotape for this. No one on The Tour behaves that way!) Which meant I arrived at the gym with just enough time to train with barbells before taking Pam's class. I'm an addict.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Top Chef Reunion
Bald guy (Alex: thank-you Internet) apparently did not steal the pea puree! Amanda said he made it right next to her. Bald guy is very good at making guilty faces and pretty funny; he'd be a great character actor. It wasn't revealed if Amanda had recently been released from prison after serving alcohol to minors like she did in the Cook for Elementary Schoolkids Challenge, but she was so bloated and puffy-faced she very well could have been eating cheap baloney and white bread sandwiches all this time. (Don't ask how I know what they serve in prison). Amanda also completely blew her chance to own the ridiculous serving food cooked with alcohol to minors incident, saying only that the sherry was cheap. Hello clueless dumb dumb girl.
Angelo still makes me laugh, I wish he would have won but he and Tiffany are going to compete in Top Chef Masters, so that is just as good or better. If you watched the finale you may recall the other two finalists were Ed and Kevin, or as I like to think of them, The Douchebag Twins. Ed was shut out of Top Chef masters which: Ha-ha! He looked bummed about it but he egged Angelo on in the worst way when Angelo was trying to compete while still ill that Ed wiped out any good feelings I had for him previously. After Tiffany was eliminated Ed was just mean all the time. To fill up the rest of the show Bravo made little 'funny' clips, pimped the Dessert Show, the cross-eyed host guy asked some questions and that was about it.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Letting it fly!
Whew, ok I feel better. The person's response to me in defense of the terrible pants was that they were sexy and why not feel sexy at the gym? Because it is terribly distracting actually, but let's say a girl does want to feel sexy at the gym. Let's talk about sex.
First of all, men are hard-wired to view women who look like they can bear a healthy baby as sexy. So, any woman in the child-bearing age range who appears healthy and well-taken care of is going to attract attention. Secondly, you are at the gym which is an additional step in the healthy and fit direction. Also, if a woman is considering pants like that she is probably already wearing form-fitting clothing. Want to feel sexy at the gym? Smile more at the guys. As long as you are within the healthy weight range and have all your teeth I guarantee you all the attention you could want.
So much for sex, let's talk style. I am not advocating that everyone look the same at the gym or dress in baggy shrouds. My friend Pam works out in a sports bra and little running shorts, admittedly a skimpy outfit. Skimpy, but appropriate; the bra is for sports as are the shorts, she looks great in them and here in Florida less can be more. Now me. I can usually be found in black stretchy yoga pants and a form-fitting but relaxed t-shirt turned backwards to avoid too much cleavage exposure, a covered up but body conscious silhouette. Completely different from Pam's look, but equally appropriate. It isn't hard to figure out what to wear while working out that is comfortable and makes you feel attractive without veering into slutwear.
There is the sad fact that fitness models are often photographed in such slutwear that a woman who sees enough of these images may start to see the outfits as desirable. Here is a good example of a hideously tacky outfit.
Ladies, use the body of the model as your inspiration, but never ever the clothes.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Time to shake things up
What else? Swimming I guess, honestly tho swimming in pools is usually more trouble then its worth with the inevitable ear infection and sunburn that follow. Okay, no swimming unless it feels irresistible at the time. One thing to look forward to is deload week- yay! As gratifying as lifting big iron bars is, the rest weeks are necessary too. The changes I'm making in training include giving the 6am Spin classes a rest for a while. I miss the after-work crowd at the gym and sleeping until 7:30 or 8 like a civilized person. So, lifting my ass off this week, focusing on heavy deadlifts tomorrow and heavy squats Friday to get ready for rest week. Then, during rest week take the Ultimate Challenge classes and a Spin class or two. I'm also considering making it a no wine or chocolate week as a sort of soft detoxing/ clean eating/ whatever one would call it.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Beat but feeling good
Sunday, September 19, 2010
high heels + deadlifts= a stiff one
Friday, September 17, 2010
Squat, bench, deadlift
So, I couldn't get off that bench fast enough and set up for deadlifts, where I lifted a personal best of 115 lbs, but form was compromised so I'm going lighter next dead session and really watching form, maybe doing 115 pulls instead.
After lifting and the usual fight with the extra sports bra, I headed upstairs to the Interval Treadmill class. Damn, that was hard, and towards the end my sweat went cold- not good. Instead of pushing it I took it easy for the last two songs and after showering hit Arby's for food. Normally, fast food is unappealing, but after two hours of working hard my body needed something to stabilize it, and I gradually felt better.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Finally got around to watching the VMAs
Monday, September 13, 2010
Holy moly I have quads!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Up all night= poofy tummy
The unimportant thing was that I did not eat or drink anything after the big breakfast for the rest of the day, which ironically resulted in a huge bloated belly. Sometimes I think winning the body game is impossible- Hello! No food and my belly is BIGGER!?!? Anyway, after a couple of bottles of water and 4 oz of ham- half pita I felt more normal and after a while went to bed.
Now, today I am scheduled to train, squat, bench, dead. I hope this won't be a wasted workout. Edited to addGood workout, Squatted 80 lbs on my last set and held form. Deadlifted 100 lbs for a full set. After that my right shoulder blade was feeling a little wonky so I pulled back on bench press weight to 65 lbs, can't have everything and I read (or skimmed) Rippetoe's in-depth analysis on deadlifts. According to him, one's lats esp near the shoulderblades are used hardcore on the deadlift so it makes sense I would feel it there after working the deads harder then usual. Also, today they were real deads, not pulls.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Remembering Sept. 11
Friday, September 10, 2010
Warning: Women's stuff discussed
Workout for today is squat, press, row. I'm aiming for all three sets of squats at 75lbs, to be increased next session if my form is spot on. Overhead presses will stay at the 45 Oly barbell unless it feels too easy, and I may go for 80 lbs on the rows. Then is the interval treadmill class, can't wait for that, I need something different from Spinning all the time.
Edited to add: Success with the squats at 75, stayed at 45 for overhead presses and 75 on the barbell rows.
That nutball preacher from Florida (of course!) was on the Today Show. Why does my state have to claim so many right-wing crazies? And people are supporting him too- who cares about the violence he incites, right. Religion seems to breed intolerance more then anything else. He did bring out the journalist in Meredith Veira I was happy (and surprised) to see; she went right into asking the tough questions and didn't stop until they ran out of time. I have new respect for her now.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Lots of makeup goodies
The warm color palette was softer and more neutral and thus was the one I picked, which made my gift include a neutral day lipstick, soft shimmery lipgloss, small eyeshadow palette, travel mirror which stands up and is a good size, larger then expected. Then, to my surprise my counter lady also threw in the gift which was intended for customers spending $55 or over, which included a mascara and primer, black pencil eyeliner, and- makeup remover! Yes, so I can again put off buying the stuff. Everything happens for a reason.
I happily packed a small after shower at the gym makeup bag with eyebrow powder, the neutral lipstick and gloss, pore spackle (see below) and lotion. Ahhh. Speaking of the gym, today was a no-lifting day, so I went to 6am Spin and really got into it. On the way there I had half of a chocolate chip cookie and drank a Gatorade during class to keep an even glucose level as I was basically working out fasted and I have low blood pressure. Well, it didn't work. After class in my truck preparing to depart the gym parking lot I became totally light-headed and faint, and sweat beaded off me. It was bizarre and shouldn't have happened. Of course I didn't have my phone, so I just sat there for a little while with the air conditioner blowing on me and decided to take a quieter route home.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Okay Google adsense, what's the deal?
Onto something else; training. Today I went to the 6am Spin class, and to be honest when I'm using Spin as a warm-up I really don't give it my all but doing both cardio and lifting in the same gym visit is so much more convienient then splitting it into two visits. Hopefully by next month it will be cool enough in the evenings to run outside, or speed-walk. Today was squat, bench, dead day. I squatted 75lbs- very low and good form, and was proud of myself but when it came to bench press I stalled out on 75 and couldn't even get one full set of 5 reps in. Disappointing! However- I pulled 100lbs on the deadlift substitute. 100 lbs whoo-hoo!
After showering and driving home tho I was starving, feeding frenzy bigtime! Charles made spaghetti the other day so I plowed into those leftovers and sauteed the remains of a bag of spinach in some canola oil and finished off w 3/4 of a cup of Breyers Rocky Road. Here's to all those carbs, fats and proteins making me stronger!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Rest day, DOMs gone
Rest day, second one in a row. My upper back was really feeling those military presses yesterday but today all is well. Tomorrow aiming for 6am Spin to warm up and squats, bench, deads.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Labor Day lobsters; yum!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Today was squats, bench, dead. Squats are solid at 65 lbs, all the reps on the program are 5 rep sets after a warm-up set or two. Bench was also 65, and deads/ pulls are 95- going for 100 or more next week. I can't wait to have all three at 135- that's the big girl plates. However, I will wait, or take my time at least as being smart with progression will avoid injuries caused by pushing too fast. The exercise high afterward is a great surprise when it comes too.
Fashion! Remember me scoffing at the six item only clothing diet? Well Jean Chatsky the money gal from the Today show did it for the past 60 days, and guess what? She did tons of laundry. I get wanting to slow one's consumption down, as a person who regularly goes thru her closet to purge, I see exactly what I wasted money on on a regular basis. That said, doing that much laundry wastes resources too, especially when one already has a closet stocked with more then six items. A buying freeze for a year or at least a season makes a lot more sense to me. Shopping is therapy though, so here are six items on my fantasy Amazon shopping trip. What are yours?