
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Planning Friday's workout

It will be different from most Fridays as I have a friend coming over to catch up on things at the time I usually go, so I'll need to go to the gym earlier in the day. The interval treadmill running class is beckoning but I'm unsure of putting 100 lb squats right after that, so I may just warm up on the elliptical. The elliptical is boring but between that, back extensions (which I forgot to do on Weds with the excitement of being asked to demonstrate a correct squat and all) and bar squats should do the job. So, I'm going for four by four at 100 lbs, then deadlifts at 135 for five reps. Not five sets of one or anything else like that. I need to see that I can do this before raising weight again. That is it for Friday, I have a lot of social stuff planned for the weekend so may not get back in the gym until Monday night.

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