
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Good light day

I warmed up with 12 bodyweight squats and 10 x 45. Then did front squats alternating with push-ups, 2 x 5 x 45, front squats, 2 x 10 x push-ups. Front squats 1 x 5 x 55, 2 x 5 x 65, 1 x 5 x 70. Next, overhead squat alternated with overhead presses, 2 x 5 x 45, 3 x 5 x 55 for each. Water break. Power cleans 2 x 5 x 45, 1 x 5 x 55, clean and press 1 x 3 x 65, 5 x 2 x 70 Nice. Light back squats 1 x 5 x 95, 5 x 5 x 115, 2 x 12 back extensions, stretching and foam rolling. Home, hungry and wiped out but in a good way.

Wow, I can't believe how tired and draggy I have been all day. It is just after 9pm and my eyes are having a hard time staying open. I should just give up and go to bed. Goodnight all!

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