
Sunday, August 8, 2010

70% chance of rain

Good thing I have a movie! No gym today, and it is the start of week three of the Great Weightlifting Experiment. This was going to be the beginning of a cardio-cycle but I changed that to happen on week five, so two more weeks of straight up lifting with cardio on off days, and sometimes also on lifting days (what?). I don't recall if I mentioned this, but Friday I took an interval running class on the treadmill that was challenging and fun. Best part- the runner's high that hit me on the way home. I was actually loopy and floaty feeling (driving too, but pretty sure running before driving is still legal in Florida). So, that was awesome and is going to be my new Friday class. One cannot live by Spinning alone. Plan for today: touch-up hair color which desperately needs it. Monday will be chest and upper body lift day, see what I can lift on the bench in the morning. Then probably take the late Spin class.

So far, no bulky Arnold muscles- in spite of recently discovered news that my family is Austrian haha. I digress, ok, results: Arms looks less flabbo, collarbone area looks fabulous, posture is better, tummy less like Homer Simpson and more like a normal person, rear-end is like Whoa! in a good way, legs look more toned and yeah, so far so good.

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