
Friday, September 10, 2010

Warning: Women's stuff discussed

God this has been a long week. I am still waiting for my freaking period that should have started on Weds. At least the food cravings have settled down and my waist measurement is back to normal; should have tried on the 'fit' shorts but didn't think of it in time and when I get back from the gym I'll be swollen from training so that isn't a good time either. Got a bill from T-mobile showing that somehow last months was unpaid, so took care of that and now making a chart of monthly bills and posting them, the amounts and the due dates on each new month of the calendar. That planner/ calendar is the best thing ever.

Workout for today is squat, press, row. I'm aiming for all three sets of squats at 75lbs, to be increased next session if my form is spot on. Overhead presses will stay at the 45 Oly barbell unless it feels too easy, and I may go for 80 lbs on the rows. Then is the interval treadmill class, can't wait for that, I need something different from Spinning all the time.

Edited to add: Success with the squats at 75, stayed at 45 for overhead presses and 75 on the barbell rows.

That nutball preacher from Florida (of course!) was on the Today Show. Why does my state have to claim so many right-wing crazies? And people are supporting him too- who cares about the violence he incites, right. Religion seems to breed intolerance more then anything else. He did bring out the journalist in Meredith Veira I was happy (and surprised) to see; she went right into asking the tough questions and didn't stop until they ran out of time. I have new respect for her now.

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